Opening Up My Plugins

I made a decision today. I decided that I was going to open up my plugins to the world; well, most of them. Out of my 10 plugins that I have, I have put 7 of them on CodePlex and made them opensource. So what three didn’t I put on there? Well, my Video plugin, my Emoticon plugin and my Feed Reader plugin. Now the first two that I haven’t included some of you can probably guess why I didn’t open them up (as well as maybe be a little disappointed, sorry), but what reason do I have for not putting the Feed Reader plugin on CodePlex? Simple: I lost the source code for the released version . I had most of my source code backed up, and I started working on v2 of the feed reader plugin and unfortunately, my backup got lost (thanks X-Drive), so the only source code I have for it is the very incomplete and changed v2 source. So for that, I apologise (and curse X-Drive) again.

So, what ones are up there then? Well the Live Spaces Photo one and the Google Translator were already on there, but here’s the complete list:

So enjoy . One thing I do ask though, if you do modify any of the plugins, please, let me know, I’d love to see what you thought of adding/changing, and if you do release anything based off my plugins, please link back to this blog. Also, if you wish to contribute to the plugins, please email me at wlm[at] with your username on CodePlex and I shall add you to the project you requested.

I also want to apologise by the way for the lack of comments and general untidyness of the code…


Whilst writing this I was listening to The BeatlesFree As A Bird
  1. #1 by Greg on July 24, 2007 - 3:35 pm

    Very cool! You rock Scott.

  2. #2 by Scott on July 24, 2007 - 7:53 pm

    Thanks Greg :)SL

  3. #3 by Spaces Gadget Examples on July 25, 2007 - 2:51 am

    Awesome.   Thanks Scott.   You are a serious Rockstar.  The livewriter team is lucky to have you.    One thing that would be great is a plug-in which could enable you to add "Published by LiveWriter" with a link to the download site.   I usually end up just manually inserting it anyway but it would make it easier.  Thxxxx.

  4. #4 by Scott on July 25, 2007 - 9:47 am

    There\’s actually a plugin that you can already use for that and it was actually created by Greg (previous comment). If you download and install that. Go to the plugin\’s template folder (you might need to run Writer first to find out where this is, it\’s in the options) and put this file in it When you next load up Writer you will have the plugin there and if you click on it, you will have the published by Windows Live Writer available which links to the writer home page.SL

  5. #5 by Unknown on January 21, 2008 - 3:36 pm

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  6. #6 by Unknown on May 6, 2008 - 8:49 pm

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  7. #7 by Unknown on June 5, 2008 - 4:13 pm

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    最近私は、資産運用にこっていて税金対策にインテリアを集めている。もちろんファッションにこだわりブランド品や下着にはこだわりがある。 化粧品も高価なものがよく家具も最高級しか買わない、先日海外旅行にいってきてお土産に外車と結婚指輪と高級時計をかったが、日本でしらべたら通販ですごく安く売っていた。

  8. #8 by Unknown on July 14, 2008 - 12:23 am

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  9. #9 by Unknown on July 25, 2008 - 6:58 am

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  10. #10 by Unknown on August 11, 2008 - 4:54 am

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    出会いサイト 結婚指輪 自動車保険 自動車保険 比較 募金 自動車 保険 見積 アメリカンホームダイレクト 出会い  出会い系 不動産投資 不動産 不動産 東京
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  11. #11 by Unknown on August 11, 2008 - 4:54 am

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  12. #12 by Unknown on August 11, 2008 - 4:54 am

    ソニー損保 国際協力 カラーコンタクト
    そんぽ24 盲導犬
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  13. #13 by Unknown on August 11, 2008 - 4:55 am

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  14. #14 by Unknown on August 11, 2008 - 4:55 am

    埼玉 ハウスメーカー  群馬 ハウスメーカー
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    アスクル 高知 不動産 高松 不動産 広島 不動産  不動産投資
    群馬 不動産 松山市 不動産  香川県 不動産 賃貸
    不動産 東京

  15. #15 by Unknown on October 31, 2008 - 9:15 am

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  16. #16 by Unknown on November 22, 2008 - 6:06 am

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    子犬 東京
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  17. #17 by Unknown on November 22, 2008 - 6:09 am

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    横浜中華街 そんぽ24 自動車保  営業代行 痔

  18. #23 by Unknown on May 19, 2009 - 6:24 am

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